Welcome to our new blog

Hello and welcome to our new blog. We are Year 6 children who attend Forest Fields Primary School in Nottingham.

Class 6POB

Class 6POB
Hello World!

Sunday 26 September 2010

Pattern Detectives

Last week Mr O'Brien's Target Group revised their multiplication facts and produced some great multiplication patterns. Can you become a pattern detective and guess which times table we're talking about?

1. Can you guess my pattern? My pattern is always even. The multiples in my pattern are
4, 8, 12, 16….

2. Can you guess my pattern? My pattern is odd then even. The multiples in my pattern are 3, 6, 9, 12….

3. Can you guess my pattern? My pattern is odd then even. The sum of my numbers always add up to 9

4. Can you guess my pattern? It is always an even number. It always ends in a 0. It is a multiple of 10

5. Can you guess my pattern? It has a pattern of odd then even numbers. It always ends in a 5 or 0.

6. Can you guess my pattern? My numbers are always even. If you double by 2 will you find my starting number?

Friday 24 September 2010

Super Star of the Week

Well done Dzenita

Its not easy starting at a new school and settling into a new class especially when you are settling into a new country and learning a new language. Dzenita has done so well and thoroughly deserves to be our Super Star of the Week.

settled in well, has been quick to pick up language, energetic, 100% effort in her work, friendly, big circle of friends, kind hearted, funny, friendly, caring, tries hard, good friend, pretty and sweet, brilliant, kind, good at listening, always a smile on her face, plays with everyone, makes me laugh, good sense, doing well with her maths, proud of how hard she is working, good sense of humour, good manners, good sense of humour, confident, honest and respectful, good role model

Great work!!

Thursday 23 September 2010

Press Conference

Yesterday the world's media gathered at base camp in Siula Grand in Peru and got their chance to interview the people from Touching the Void and delve deeper into their characters. At 9:45 am Joe Simpson, Simon Yates and Richard Hawking came into the press room and answered the questions from journalists representing newspapers, television, radio and the Internet. This was a chance to ask the more pressing questions that the people who had heard this amazing story wanted to know. Richard explained how he spent his days at base camp, how he felt when Joe and Simon were on the mountain and his reactions to hearing the news about Joe being presumed dead. Simon hestitantly described how he came to the decision to cut the rope and how the moment still tortured him. Joe was able to speak about how desperate the situation he found himself was and how he was convinced he was going to die. All of the characters spoke of their relief of being reunited again at the bottom of Siula Grande.

After the interview, the three men were then taken to hospital where they would undergo further tests and Joe can begin his long road to recovery.

Saturday 18 September 2010

Super Star of the Week

Well done..... Adam Rashid.

What a superb start to the year you have made and thoroughly deserve to be our first Super Star! Here is what everyone said about Adam Rashid;

a great friend, works hard, determined, kind, helpful, special in his own way, always tries his best, positive attitude, gorgeous!, cheeky, good listener, funny, an expert on wrestling, 10 out of 10, gives 100%, honest, great role model, makes everyone happy, always has a smile on his face, he lights up the room, enthusiastic, helps people to settle in, super laugh (especially when he is tickled)

Here's a huge thumbs up to Adam Rashid.

Our Values

Role model, being brave, being kind, caring, sportsmanship, being positive, inspire, cooperate, honesty, having aspirations, determination, pride, respect
This year we have decided to reflect on the values that will not only help us be good members of Year 6 but will also help us when we leave primary school. As a year group we came up with the key values that we will follow in our classrooms, in and around school and also outside of school.
Which value do you think is most important?
Can you give an example when these values would be needed?

Thursday 16 September 2010


Our theme this term will be all about Survival. This week we have been conducting research on mountains around the world, how to survive in extreme conditions, the mountain environment to inspire our artwork, and artic adventurers. Our literacy work has been inspired by the extraordinary story of Joe Simpson and Simon Yates depicted in the film 'Touching the Void'. In 1985, these two climbers attempted to climb the Siula Grande mountain in Peru, what happened on this journey remains part of mountaineering legend. Its a brilliant film and we are really enjoying it.

Science Explorers

Today we decided to recap on our science investigation skills. Inspired by our Survival theme we designed our own experiments to discover which material would be the best at insulating heat. Through this activity we remembered the key points when carrying out an effective investigation:

Question - what do we want to find out and how are we going to do it

Predict - what will happen and explain why

Control - what variables could effect our results and how can we control them

Measure - accurately using appropriate equipment for example, a stopwatch or measuring cylinder

Record - results clearly

Analyse -our results and try to interpret any patterns

Explain - what has happened using scientific vocabulary

Monday 13 September 2010

Happy Eid! Eid Mubarak!

Eid is a festival that Muslims celebrate after Ramadan which is a month of fasting. There are two Eids, Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azzha. When it is Eid, Muslims have a day off to celebrate and they go to their relatives' house to see all their relatives. Children get lots of presents like Pakistani clothes, toys and money. We eat lots of food and we celebrate the end of the month of fasting. Fasting is when you go without food or drink from dawn till dusk and it is very hard for Muslims.
Muslims do this because they are showing Allah that they are grateful for the food that Allah has given them and so they can feel how the poor and the hungry feel.

By Zakariya

Monday 6 September 2010

365 project

Over the course of this year we are going to take a photograph of every day we are in school. We hope that it will capture all the amazing things we will experience and be something we can look back on and remember all the good times Year 6 had to offer.

The link for our 365 project is


Happy snapping Year 6!

Sunday 5 September 2010

Welcome to our new blog!

Welcome to the wonderful world of Year 6 here at Forest Fields in Nottingham. We have always worked hard in our school, but this year we're going to go above and beyond and be YEAR SIX SUPERSTARS! We are a really happy and friendly group with lots of interesting children. We hope you enjoy reading our blog and sharing all the fantastic experiences we have had so far.