Welcome to our new blog

Hello and welcome to our new blog. We are Year 6 children who attend Forest Fields Primary School in Nottingham.

Class 6POB

Class 6POB
Hello World!

Monday 1 November 2010

Survivor Science

During Carl's talk with us he mentioned lots of interesting facts and information about our planet. In order to get a better understanding of Greenland, travelling on an expedition and why it is important to care for our planet please answer the questions below

Why is it never completely dark in Greenland in the summer?
Why did one side of the skis need to be rough and one smooth?
Why did Carl need to eat so many calories?
What evidence did Carl see which showed the evidence of global warming?
What causes global warming?
How did the wind help Carl move across the ice? Could he use it to slow down?


1 comment:

Dzenita said...

I would say he is not afraid to climb mountains! Brave Because I think it frightened!